Krönika i Norra Halland, 28 juni 2013 Johannes sitter med sina klasskamrater på 9:ans skolavslutning och lyssnar till rektorns tal. Alla...
Andrea Bocelli: The Lord’s Prayer
Guardian Angels
Isak’s Baptism
June 2008 Overview
June 2008 Overview
Thinking of the Ascention of Christ
You are Good Just the Way You Are
Take a Stand for the Family (3): Summary
Alive through the Love of God (2)
Baby Born with Two Faces
Reflections of Christ
Our Saviour’s Love
Why a Prophet? (2): The Story of the Nutty Prophet
Why a Prophet? (1)
President Gordon B Hinckley has passed away
Help Thou My Unbelief
A Gift from the Heart
A Real Christmas Card
Loosing Agnes, Gaining Love