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Writer's pictureLouis Herrey

Winning is not Everything

Lately my sons and I have gone to quite a few hockey games to cheer on our local team, Södertälje (SSK). When we went two days ago the team lost 0-1. In fact, every time we’ve seen them play this season they have lost. I made that comment to the boys and jokingly added that perhaps we should stay home next time. Then perhaps they would win for a change.They didn’t like that idea at all, wondering how in the world their dad ever got so superstitious. Besides, it was fun to go to the arena. Big deal if our team didn’t always win.

My youngest even taught me a valuable lesson. When going to the car I asked if he thought the players were happy about the game. “Yes, of course!” he replied “But they lost the game!” I reminded him. “Daaaad! The most important thing is not win, but to have fun!” “Well… I agree, son,” I answered a bit shamefully, “but do you really think they thought it was fun when the other team scored?” He thought for a second. “Maybe not then so much… but at least they had a lot of fun before that happened. And that’s all that matters!”

I let out a laughing sigh. “You know… you are absolutely correct! Things don’t always go the way we plan. The important thing is that we enjoy life as much as we can, when we can. And if thing go bad, like for our hockey team, at least we can remember the fun we’ve had before things started to go bananas. Maybe that happy thought can even help us get back on track again?”

“Yep, that’s exactly what I mean!” he concluded.

Not bad for a 7-year-old.

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