Louis HerreyAug 20, 20172 minEn politiker i familjenSom flera av er redan vet ska storebror Richard ställa upp i nästa riksdagsval för Moderaterna. Jag kan inte tala för hela släkten, men...
Louis HerreyApr 14, 20092 minBest Easter NewsPÅSKENS BÄSTA NYHET Automatic translation of text Efter helgen satt jag framför datorn och besökte olika nyhetssajter och funderade på...
Louis HerreyJun 10, 20081 minGo Sweden! (1)Yeeeeeeeeessssss! We won the first game of the European Championship, 2-0 against Greece. Thanks for great entertainment! The whole team...
Louis HerreyNov 5, 20071 minMormon Missionaries Forgive AttackersFor those who read the sad news in an earlier blog, Skinheads Assault Mormon Missionaries, about my nephew and his companion who are...
Louis HerreyOct 14, 20072 minSkinheads Assault Mormon MissionariesI was reached by chocking news today. My nephew, who is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was...
Louis HerreyOct 11, 20071 minAnd the Winner is……Doris Lessing. Finally. She has already won all prizes imaginable, but still she was rather taken back when the Swedish media...